Progress Report

Annual Progress Report

The progress report of total videos sent around the world is 565,328 views up from 339,000 views since August 2019. Facebook has censored us, slowing down our progress significantly, however we were able to run video ads on YouTube, and have preached the gospel all over the world with minimal costs.

Half of those videos were evangelistic preaching the gospel of our Lord Jesus Christ. The other half were videos on spiritual growth for Christians. The countries that have received the videos and books, so far are America, the Philippines, India, South Sudan, Nigeria, Cambodia, and the UK. Most of the views have been promoted through social media networks with advertising and promotional costs.

Several pastors from the Philippines, and India, and South Sudan, have been strongly requesting Faith in the word ministries to come and hold revival in their churches. Faith in the word ministries has supported a prison ministry, directed by Kenneth Hagin's Rhema correspondence prison Bible school helping inmates grow in the knowledge of God's word, and teaching them all the necessary tools to grow spiritually.

Faith in the word ministries has also adopted a widows and orphanage ministry in South Sudan, where are hundreds of children and widows, are fed, housed, educated, and taught the word of God. This is directed by Reverend Charles Joshua of South Sudan. We are partners with Reverend Joshua, and have been able to help them build church facilities, and teach them the principles of faith in God's word through Christ Jesus. If the Lord leads you please click on the specific link above for more information.


Thank you and God bless you!